Unfortunately, there are so many people that believe that the time of reading books is far behind us. For them, reading a book in the park or visiting the libraries is something old-fashioned and even ridiculous because modern people have so many other \'modern\' activities and they simply don\'t have time for something like that. However, those people seem to forget that reading is the basis for evolution. People have read to learn new things and invented newer things, based on their knowledge. And when we say \'reading,\' we don\'t think about scrolling through the headlines and getting just poor information about something. It is about getting enough knowledge to become an expert in certain field.And not to forget the belletristic. Out mind also develops by reading novels or short stories, our spirit reaches higher level and our own vocabulary becomes richer! So is there something more important than that? Being preoccupied with someone else\'s life, which comes with the expansion of the social media, should not become more important! However, this trend has taken a rather high range and the fact that people refuse to read, results with closing libraries.Virginia and Kevin face this kind of a problem. They are the leaders of the group of people who try to save the old library in the town. The fact is that with the use of computers, people in their town don\'t read books anymore. The major of their town has realized that so he wants to close the library. Virginia, Kevin, and all the other people, have organized a sale, in order to earn money. They would like to renovate the library, increase the marketing, and encourage people to read again.
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